Microdosing Psilocybin

Psilocybin Microdosing

Introduction to Microdosing While the experiences of consuming high doses of psilocybin-containing mushrooms have been extensively studied, recent research has focused on a specific therapeutic approach called microdosing. Microdosing involves the regular use of low doses (5 to 10% of the usual dose...

Psilocybin and PTSD Treatment

Introduction to Trauma Trauma, also known as psychological and emotional shock, refers to serious psychological reactions that occur after being exposed to a damaging or stressful event. Trauma is the result of distressing and stress-inducing events that undermine an individual’s sense of safe...
depression treatment

Psilocybin: A Revolution in the Depression Treatment

Definition of Depression Depression is a common mood disorder that affects approximately 5% of adults worldwide. This disorder leads to a continuous feeling of sadness, loss of interest in daily activities, and a decrease in motivation. It can occur due to problems in school, work, or personal life,...
what is Psilocybin

Psilocybin: Usage, Treatment, and Future Perspectives

Psilocybin Mushrooms Psilocybin fungi, commonly known as Magic Mushrooms, belong to a group of fungi that contain the compound psilocybin and are also known as hallucinogenic mushrooms. These mushrooms have a long history of human use and hold cultural and spiritual significance in various societies...

Synthetic Biology: Current Achievements and Prespective

Synthetic biology is a rapidly emerging field encompassing the design and construction of novel biological pathways within microorganisms, as well as the redesign of natural biological systems. The impact of this technology is poised to revolutionize our methods of food production, reshape our dieta...

CRISPR: The Key to Genome Editing

CRISPR is an innovative technology in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, serving as a powerful tool for genome editing. This technology, invented by Jennifer Doudna and her colleague Emmanuelle Charpentier, represents a groundbreaking advancement that holds the potential for treatin...

Engineered Microbiome-Friendly Phages

Microbiome: The Peaceful Coexistence of Microorganisms and Body Cells The human microbiome, or the coexisting microorganisms of humans, refers to all the genes and populations of microbial cells and fungi that live within the host’s body. They play a beneficial role in certain natural bodily f...