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Genius Foundation
The term “genius” refers to an outstanding and effective individual whose influence in the production and dissemination of science, art, technology, cultural development, and societal management is significant. Their intelligence, creativity, entrepreneurship, and intellectual brilliance in the pursuit of knowledge and innovation accelerate the growth and development of science and the advancement of human society. A “top talent” is an individual who possesses the potential for genius but has not yet had the necessary opportunities for the full identification or development of their special talents.
The foundation and initial core of Spud Gene have been formed by top talents from Iran, determined and resilient individuals who have overcome numerous challenges and hardships to become the heroes of their own lives. Based on our mission, we see it as our duty to do everything in our power to make the difficult path we ourselves have traveled easier for you. We are ready to provide support and financial assistance to all individuals who see a shining potential in themselves, without any distinction of age, nationality, or ethnicity.
Do not hesitate to contact us.